Distance Sale Agreement

This agreement has been prepared in accordance with the Regulation on Distant Contracts Implementation Procedures and Principles, published in the Official Gazette on 27.11.2014 and numbered 29188, to govern sales made on the internet. The following articles outline the rights and obligations of the parties involved, concerning the sale of services by the SELLER to the BUYER, in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law (numbered 6502) and the Regulation on Procedure and Principle of Distance Sales Contracts.

  • Parties



  • The customer is a member of the site named www.weyron.com. The information provided during membership will be considered valid.


  • Subject of the Contract

This contract covers the sale of services by the SELLER to the BUYER, in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law and the Regulation on Distance Contracts. The key features of the service (type, quantity, description, selling price, payment method) are available on the SELLER’s website.

  • General Provisions

The BUYER acknowledges and confirms that they have read and understood the essential information about the service, its price, payment method, and delivery terms, as stated in Article 3. They have also provided necessary confirmation in the electronic environment.

The announced prices and offers are valid until updated and changed. The BUYER agrees to pay the service price through the website, and the SELLER is the sole addressee for the payment.

The right of withdrawal, as specified in Article 15 of the Distance Contracts Regulation No. 29188 dated 27 November 2014, does not apply to services provided on website platforms.

Both parties agree to comply with the Law No. 6502 on the Protection of Consumers and the Regulation on Distance Contracts, in addition to the terms of this Agreement.

This Agreement is effective upon electronic approval by the BUYER, who has read and accepted all its articles.

  • Delivery of the Service and Method

The contract becomes valid after the BUYER’s electronic approval, and the service is delivered by the SELLER to the BUYER based on the provided information.

  • Notifications and Evidence

All correspondence between the parties shall be via e-mail, except for cases required by the legislation. In any disputes arising from the Contract, the SELLER’s official books, commercial records, electronic information, and computer records will serve as binding and conclusive evidence.

  • Right of Withdrawal

The BUYER does not have the right of withdrawal for services instantly delivered and intangible products, as per Article 15/f.1 of the Distance Contracts Regulation.

  • Privacy

The information provided by the BUYER and notified to the SELLER for payment will not be shared with third parties, except when administrative/legal obligations require disclosure. Credit card information is not stored and is only used for secure transmission to relevant banks during the collection process, after which it is deleted from the system. The BUYER’s e-mail address and telephone number are used solely by the SELLER for standard product delivery and information procedures. With the BUYER’s approval, campaign information, new product updates, and promotional materials may be sent from time to time.

  • Authorized Court

In disputes related to this Agreement, the Consumer Problems Arbitration Committees in the BUYER’s settlement are authorized for values up to those announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade annually. For disputes exceeding this value, the Consumer Courts are authorized.

By placing an order, the BUYER is considered to have accepted all the terms of this Agreement.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our distance sale agreement, please contact us at info@weyron.com.

SELLER: Weyron Software

BUYER: The customer is a member of the site named www.weyron.com.